
Showing posts from August, 2013


                                                 Remember   Star Trek  II:  The Wrath of Khan                                                                     Researchers have made the first step in human telepathy, creating a brain-to-brain interface that allows one person to control the motions of another. Mind control technology has been making strikes in the medical field, helping paralyzed or disabled patients  feed themselves  and  fly drones  as researchers hope to give them more independence. But these instances have only been using a person’s brain activity to power a device, like a robot. In contrast, researchers at the University of ...

Warmist Off Deep End: ‘Will climate change kill-off humanity? Unlikely, but we may wish it had.

“If humans were to go extinct, the earth would at least have a chance to repair itself…” Chris Clarke writes at Will we go extinct? There’s some thought that humans have already passed through a near-extinction event, related to the Toba eruption about 70,000 years ago, that may have reduced our total global population down to 15,000 people or fewer in southern Africa. That theory is questioned by some who cite the possibility of other survivng bands of humans. Either interpretation offers us hope for our species: humans can survive horrible catastrophes and rebuild. Which means the question may not be so much “will we die out” as “will we wish we had.” If humans were to go extinct, the earth would at least have a chance to repair itself, evolve new biodiversity, and move on. But having the globe sprinkled with scattered bands of a few hundred survivors, each desperately scraping whatever sustenance might come from the planet their ancestors ruined? That’s a much more...

Svensmark Effect Attacked: Study claims cosmic rays don’t effect clouds

Svensmark hypothesized that cosmic rays flux affects cloud formation which, in turn, affects climate change. Henrik Svensmark CREDENTIALS  Ph.D., Physics Laboratory I, Technical University of Denmark, (September, 1987). Master of Science in Engineering (Cand. Polyt), Physics Laboratory I, The Technical University of Denmark, (February, 1985). Source:   [1] BACKGROUND Henrik Svensmark is a physicist at the  Danish National Space Center in Copenhagen . Svensmark has studied the effects of cosmic rays on cloud formation and presented a hypotheses that global warming is caused by solar radiation. Svensmark appeared in a documentary titled "The Cloud Mystery" to illustrate his position, and has also shared his research at the  Heartland Institute 's International Conference on Climate Change. Henrik Svensmark is director of the Centre for Sun-Climate Research at the Danish Space Research Institute (DSRI). Previously, Dr. Svensmark was head of the Sunc...

High fructose corn syrup causes diabetes-myth vs science

Over the past few months, there has been a lot of  baseless claims trying to link  high fructose corn syrup  (HFCS) and a variety of diseases, especially  Type 2 diabetes . Like many of these medical myths, there is, at its core, some tiny bit of evidence that is generally misinterpreted or misused. But let’s take a close look at Type 2 diabetes, HFCS and the evidence that either supports or refutes the hypothesis that drinking HFCS is any more responsible for the disease than other sugars. Just for background, the claimed link is between HFCS and Diabetes mellitus Type 2 (or Type 2 diabetes, T2DM), a  metabolic disorder  that is characterized by high  blood glucose  in the context of  insulin resistance  and relative  insulin  deficiency. In general, someone with T2DM produces low (or maybe even adequate) levels of insulin, but  various cells and organs become resistant to insulin, so cells don’t remove or store b...

WaPo slams ethanol ‘central planning’ — but it would somehow be different with CO2?

Sadly though, carbon central planning would be just peachy. The biggest problem with the carbon tax is that it would be hard to get one through Congress. Fine. Then lawmakers should choose another policy that encourages conservation and innovation without absurd central planning Ditch ethanol mandates. Try a carbon tax. The WaPo editorializes: WASHINGTON IS seeing a great fight between two extremely powerful lobbies, Big Ethanol and Big Oil. Neither should win. At issue is the  Renewable Fuel Standard , a huge subsidy meant for companies making all kinds of ethanol but that mostly benefits the least-attractive type, derived from corn. The policy demands that increasing amounts of various sorts of ethanol be blended into the nation’s gasoline supply. Yet, oil companies point out, when Congress last looked at the standard in 2007, estimates of how much fuel Americans would be using by now were much too high. The result today is a legal requirement to blend the same, man...

Fracking defended at coal’s expense with EPA air quality junk science

To fend off claims that fracking poses a risk to health from air emissions, an MIT economist/EPA advisor claims that the risks are offset by lives saved from using less coal. However,  there is no evidence that coal plant emissions kill anyone . PITTSBURGH — A project examining the local health effects from natural gas drilling is providing some of the first preliminary numbers about people who may be affected, and the results challenge the industry position that no one suffers but also suggest that the problems may not be as widespread as some critics claim. The Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project has been trying to help people who feel they’ve been sickened by natural gas drilling or processing for about 18 months in one county south of Pittsburgh. The work is potentially important because it’s one of the first long-term attempts to monitor drilling-related health effects, and it could help o...

Michael Mann has another Twitter fit after JunkScience posts Monckton debunking of Mann

The Mann-child responds as may now be expected. JunkScience posted  Monckton’s response to Mann  a couple hours ago… and Mann goes into yet another Twitter spasm attacking Milloy. Previous Mann twitter fits:

Monckton responds to Mann: Global warming has stopped. Get over it.

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley August 25, 2013 The collapsed global warming scare certainly has some odd characters coming to its defense in this paper. Michael Mann (Aug. 25), whom the Attorney General of Virginia investigated under the Fraud Against Taxpayers Act 2000 after some statistical peculiarities in Mann’s failed attempt to abolish the medieval warm period, now bloops another blooper. He tries to deny the embarrassing near-17-year pause in global warming because “NASA found the warming continues unabated, with the past decade the warmest on record”. As an expert reviewer for the Fifth Assessment Report of the UN’s climate panel, let me correct his latest gaffe. The monthly near-surface temperature record from the RSS satellites (above) shows no warming trend for 16 years 8 months. But go back 20 years and some warming shows up. The temperature climbed from 1993-1996, then stopped. So the latest decade is a bit warmer than those that went before, but there ...

Satellite temps flat for 200 months now

If the global warming era started in June 1988 with Jim Hansen’s drama-queen congressional testimony, then atmospheric temps have been flat 67% of the time since. – Paul Clark – Click the pic to view at source [NOTE: RSS is a  satellite temperature data set  much like the UAH dataset from Dr. Roy Spencer and John Christy - Anthony] Image Credit: Guest Post By Werner Brozek, Edited By Just The Facts The graphic above shows 3 lines. The long line shows that RSS has been flat from December 1996 to July 2013, which is a period of 16 years and 8 months or 200 months. The other slightly higher flat line in the middle is the latest complete decade of 120 months from January 2001 to December 2010. The other slightly downward sloping line is the latest 120 months prior from present. It very clearly shows it has been cooling lately, however this cooling is not statistically significant. In my opinion, if you want to find out what the ...