
Showing posts from July, 2014

The Carbon TAX Scam Carbon dioxide (CO2) is vital to all life on Earth, but most particularly to every piece of vegetation that grows on it The Carbon TAX Scam

The carbon-dioxide tax is based on a lie and is fraudulent and  F  amilies will pay with a higher cost of living and - potentially - with their jobs.  Green jobs, of course, are a complete joke. Shonks and fraudsters around the world have sucked up billions of dollars, leaving bankrupt companies and shattered investors in their wake.   In a recent appearance before a congressional committee, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy told them that the agency’s proposed sweeping carbon-regulation plan was “really an investment opportunity. This is not about pollution control.” If the plan isn’t about pollution, the primary reason for the EPA’s existence, why bother with yet more regulation of something that is not a pollutant—carbon dioxide—despite the Supreme Court’s idiotic decision that it is. Yes, even the Court gets things wrong. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is vital to all life on Earth, but most particularly to every piece of vegetation that grows on it. ...

Actually understand Global Warming and The 97% consensus – a lie of epic proportions, Thousands of articles in the peer-reviewed literature refute the alarmists’ claim.

o John Cook – it isn’t ‘hate’, it’s pity, – pity for having such a weak argument you are forced to fabricate conclusions of epic proportions Proving that crap can flow uphill, yesterday, John Cook got what one could consider the ultimate endorsement. A tweet from the Twitter account of the Twitterer in Chief, Barack Obama, about Cook’s 97% consensus lie. I had to laugh about the breathless headlines over that tweet, such as this one from the Washington Post’s Valerie Strauss at The Answer Sheet : The column by Frances Beinecke (“Despite misinformation effort, U.S. is targeting climate change,” July 11) recites all the tired myths and cliches of the global warming movement but offers not one iota of evidence. One would have hoped the leader of an organization with an annual budget of more than $100 million...

Obama War On and Seniors, EPA Rules Will Devastate Seniors

Obama proposed healthcare reform that added 30 million to the insurance rolls while promising lower costs, most people who passed fourth grade math raised an eyebrow, if not a ruckus. The simple realities of supply and demand, coupled with the burden of government mandates, could only push healthcare costs skyward. With Obamacare now in effect, those early concerns have come to be realized through skyrocketing premiums, as confirmed by a recent Morgan Stanley survey of 148 national insurance brokers. Premiums are up as much as 100 percent in some cases, and this is after Obama promised "savings." One can only imagine what would happen to the cost of a commodity the President promises to make Americans pay  more  for. Unfortunately, we don't have to imagine, as this is exactly what Obama promised his energy plan would achieve. In January of 2008, candidate Obama told the San Francisco Chronicle that "under my plan... electricity prices will necessarily sky...

Progressive Enviros start with a basic rule–they hate human activity, they hate humans

When assessing EPA and enviro plans and policies, consider what their enemy is–human habitation of their sacred sanctuary of the earth. When humans get in the way of a new bucolic and ideal environment–guess who gets the hook? When buying produce, we’ve found ways to discern which pieces are worthy to place in our basket. Each piece of fruit or stalk of vegetable must be of good quality to justify spending our hard-earned income on it. So we look, we sniff and we gently squeeze them in order to cull the unripe or rotten pieces and glean the good ones. Perhaps we should use a similar approach when evaluating the competing environmental proposals proffered by various organizations. We should carefully sniff out the rotten assumptions and gently squeeze the reasoning of their justifications in order to glean which proposals might be worthy of our real sacrifice in national treasure and personal freedoms. For example, consider the  World Bank’s proposals  for redu...

When it comes to attacking climate scientists, the alarmist Left has the market cornered Who’s really waging the ‘war on science’?

Left-leaning environmentalists, media and academics have long railed against the alleged conservative “war on science.” They augment this vitriol with substantial money, books, documentaries and conference sessions devoted to “protecting” global warming alarmists from supposed “harassment” by climate chaos skeptics, whom they accuse of wanting to conduct “fishing expeditions” of alarmist emails and “rifle” their file cabinets in search of juicy material (which might expose collusion or manipulated science). A primary target of this “unjustified harassment” has been Penn State University professor Dr. Michael Mann, creator of the infamous “hockey stick” temperature graph that purported to show a sudden spike in average planetary temperatures in recent decades, following centuries of supposedly stable climate. But at a recent AGU meeting a number of other “persecuted” scientists were trotted out to tell their story of how they have been “attacked” or had their research, policy demands ...

- Global Warming Climate Alarmists Never Quit!

Americans continue to be subjected to the endless, massive, global campaign to foist the hoax of global warming—now called climate change—on everyone. The results of a Pew Research Center poll in June revealed that 35% of Americans say there is not enough solid evidence to suggest mankind is warming the Earth while another 18% says the world has warmed due to “natural patterns”, not human activity. Pew found that liberals remain convinced that humans are to blame, but the bottom line is that 53% disputed the Obama claims.                            That means that a growing number of Americans are now skeptics. n the same way Americans are discovering that the Cold War that was waged from the end of World War Two until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 is not over, Americans continue to be subjected to the endless, massive, global campaign to foist the hoax of global warming—now called climate change...

Sea ice experts make astonishing admissions to polar bear specialists

Climate scientists specializing in future sea ice predictions made some remarkable statements to polar bear scientists at their last meeting – admissions that may  really  surprise you. Back on June 26 (reported  here ), the IUCN  Polar Bear Specialist Group  (PBSG) posted a summary of its last meeting. So, I was very surprised to find (while there looking for something else), that on 18 July 2014  they had added minutes from the meeting to that summary . These minutes are a bonanza because among the juicy nuggets of information is  a summary of what the three invited climate scientists from Colorado (Jennifer Kay, Mark Serreze, and Marika Holland) had to say and what questions were asked.  While real transparency would have involved posting copies of the sea ice presentations and transcripts of the question and answer sessions, this is certainly better than nothing. These minutes are a bonanza because among the juicy nuggets of informati...