Guardian warmist: ‘We need to know who funds climate deniers’

But what about Guardian climate blogger Dana Nuccitelli?
Read George Moonbat’s Feb 2012 column, “We need to know who funds these thinktank lobbyists.”

Revealed: Guardian climate blogger works for EPA, wind, solar contractor without disclosure

Dana Nuccitelli is a rabid (albeit part-time) warmist blogger for The Guardian. He also has an interesting full-time employer.
The BBC reported today:
This was neatly summed up in a Guardian blog by Dana Nuccitelli, who works for a multi-billion dollar US environmental business (Tetra Tech) and writes prodigiously about global warming and related matters from a very distinct perspective.
Having come across some of Nuccitelli’s screeds and I was drawn to the Tetra Tech mention.
What is Tetra Tech?
It’s a consulting firm that just got a $50 million contract from the EPA and a $100 million contract from the Navy It also does work for the wind, solar, and “emerging renewable” energy industries. It also offers “climate services” — whatever they are.
Ironically, Tetra Tech is also helping to develop fossil fuels in the Bakken shale play.
