UK Paper: ‘Saving planet… will take man-on-the-moon commitment’ — But at least then we understood the physics!

Saving the planet from short-termism will take man-on-the-moon commitment Sound like Doctor Who: Victory of the Daleks - series 31, episode three "Danny Boy" was the call sign of a spitfire pilot who fought... ... of the Daleks made him the first person to write and appear in the 

The Guardian comments:
Instead of preaching to the choir the plan is to show how to achieve key economic objectives – growth, investment, secure public finances, fairer distribution of income – while at the same time protecting the planet. The pitch to finance ministers will be that tackling climate change will require plenty of upfront investment that will boost growth rather than harm it.
Will this approach work? Well, maybe. But it will require business to see the long-term benefits of greening the economy as well as the short-term costs, because that would lead to the burst of technological innovation needed to accelerate progress. And it will require the same sort of commitment it took to win a world war or put a man on the moon.
