New Research Shows Earth's Tilt Influences Climate Change Over 282,000 Years? It's Not Call Climate Change It's Call SEASONS Wrong Answer Here, The Right Answer IS Whichever Hemisphere Is Tilt Towards the Sun Experiences More Energy, and Warms Up, While The Hemisphere Tilt Away Receives Less Energy And Cools Down.

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Louisiana State University paleoclimatologist Kristine DeLong contributed to an international research breakthrough that sheds new light on how the tilt of the Earth affects the world's heaviest rainbelt. DeLong analyzed data from the past 282,000 years that shows, for the first time, a connection between the Earth's tilt called obliquity that shifts every 41,000 years, and the movement of a low pressure band of clouds that is the Earth's largest source of heat and moisture—the Intertropical Convergence Zone, or ITCZ.

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We’re in the middle of Summer here on Vancouver Island, the Sun is out, the air is warm, and the river is great for swimming.
Three months from now, it’s going to be raining and miserable.
Six months from now, it’s still going to be raining, and maybe even snowing.
No matter where you live on Earth, you experience seasons, as we pass from Spring to Summer to Fall to Winter, and then back to Spring again.
Why do we have variations in temperature at all? What causes the seasons?

If you ask people this question, they’ll often answer that it’s because the Earth is closer to the Sun in the summer, and further in the winter.
But this isn’t why we have seasons. In fact, during Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the Earth is actually at the closest point to the Sun in its orbit, and then farthest during the Summer. It’s the opposite situation for the Southern hemisphere, and explains why their seasons are more severe.
So if it’s not the distance from the Sun, why do we experience seasons?
tilts_bigWe have seasons because the Earth’s axis is tilted.
Consider any globe you’ve ever used, and you’ll see that instead of being straight up and down, the Earth is at a tilt of 23.5-degrees.
The Earth’s North Pole is actually pointed towards Polaris, the North Star, and the south pole towards the constellation of Octans. At any point during its orbit, the Earth is always pointed the same direction.
For six months of the year, the Northern hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun, while the Southern hemisphere is tilted away. For the next six months, the situation is reversed.
Whichever hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun experiences more energy, and warms up, while the hemisphere tilted away receives less energy and cools down.
Consider the amount of solar radiation falling on part of the Earth.
When the Sun is directly overhead, each square meter of Earth receives about 1000 watts of energy.
But when the Sun is at a severe angle, like from the Arctic circle, that same 1000 watts of energy is spread out over a much larger area.
This tilt also explains why the days are longer in the Summer, and then shorter in the Winter.
The longest day of Summer, when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun is known as the Summer Solstice.
