Global Warming Hoax Faces Unfathomable Cold in NH? Mount Washington, called Agiocochook by some Native American tribes, is the highest peak in the Northeastern United States at 6,288 ft and the most prominent mountain east of the Mississippi River. The mountain is notorious for its erratic weatherin New Hampshire Reached An Insane 85 Below This Week.

After liberal dullards Leonardo DiCaprio and Al Gore released dual climate change movies this year, the northeastern U.S. is seeing massively cold temperatures.


It was 35 degrees below zero at 6:40 a.m. with blowing snow, sustained winds of 75 miles per hour and freezing fog, according to the weather observatory atop the mountain.
The wind chill registered at 80 degrees below zero.

The only colder place in the world was Watson Lake, which is located in Canada's Yukon Territory. Temperatures there were 40 degrees below zero, though conditions were calm.
Researchers braved the cold to toss boiling water into the wind, where it froze immediately! See more in the video above.
global warming
Mount Washington, called Agiocochook by some Native American tribes at 6,288 ft , is the highest peak in the Northeastern United States at 6,288 ft and the most prominent mountain east of the Mississippi River. The mountain is notorious for its erratic weather


While many on the left are continuing to perpetrate the great global warming hoax, science and common sense have collided in the late months of 2016 to provide an alternative to the globalist-democrat narrative.  Now, with temperature in New Hampshire hitting ridiculous lows, the entire nation is beginning to understand the depth of the liberal stranglehold on the story.
“Some schools closed early Thursday and many others delayed opening Friday to avoid a bone-chilling wait at the bus stop.We’re not strangers to these sorts of bitter temperatures on Mount Washington’s summit,’ senior weather observer Mike Carmon said in the weather observatory’s blog at the highest peak in the Northeast. ‘However, over the last few winters, it’s generally late January or February before we experience this sort of polar air outbreak.’
“The wind chill was down to 85-below at the summit early Friday.
“Utility workers were prepared for power outages due to fallen trees. David Flener, field safety manager at Eversource, New Hampshire’s largest utility, said workers are well-educated on how to stay warm in the coldest weather, starting before they even arrive on a job site. They are urged to make sure they carry an emergency kit with clothing and food in case they get stranded, and once they arrive, there is a discussion about on-the-job safety.”
You read that correctly; 85 below zero.  That is a temperature that you may expect in certain locales of Siberia, and far above the arctic circle.  It is certainly not the weather you could expect in the United States during a time of “global warming”.

