Obama 'Climate summit' Turning Into An Embarrassment for Obama and UN?

The United Nations, eager to grab money and power as the global regulator (and taxer) of carbon emissions, is sponsoring a “climate summit” on September 21 in hopes of capturing the attention of heads of state coming to New York for the UN General Assembly.  Unfortunately for the scare-mongers,   Barack Obama will be fairly lonely when it comes to heads of state of world powers.

The UN is claiming “about 120 heads of state” will attend, but when it gets down to particulars, the significant powers, aside from Obama, are largely otherwise occupied. Watts Up With That? reports:
The imminent climate summit in New York is rapidly turning into an utter embarrassment for President Obama and UN Secretary General Bank Ki-Moon, in addition to becoming a bit of a punishment round for national deputy leaders.

Aussie PM Tony Abbott today defended his decision not to hop on an earlier flight to America, so he could attend the UN climate conference in New York, because he has more important matters to attend to, such as running the country.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi  have also indicated they likely won’t attend the summit.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has indicated he will not be attending.https://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/canada-politics/stephen-harper-to-skip-un-climate-summit-183946998.html

Even Angela Merkel, President of über green Germany, will not be attending the UN climate summit. http://notrickszone.com/2014/05/26/merkel-snubs-new-york-ban-ki-moon-climate-conference-burying-the-global-climate-agreement/
Nevertheless, true believers in the media and green front organizations are going all out in trying to whip up enthusiasm for a movement that is stumbling badly in the wake of reality’s stubborn refusal to conform to the predictions of the doomsayers for the last 17 years. The Louisville Courier-Journal breathlessly reports on Kentuckians being bussed to a march in New York City to coincide with the summit.
Two bus-loads of people from Kentucky are headed to New York City this weekend, where they plan to join what's being billed as the largest climate change march in history on Sunday. (snip)
It's all meant to support a United Nations Climate Summit on Sept. 21, where world leaders and as many as 120 heads-of-state are expected to gather and announce plans for reducing carbon emissions. U.N. members are working toward a new climate agreement and sustainable development goals to be concluded next year. (snip)

As many as 100,000 marchers are expected in New York at the People's Climate March.
When a source uses “as many as” twice in a short article, it usually means a brave effort to make the number look big.
Bur what no propagandist, march, or "summit" can disguise is that the climate theories have failed to explain the real world phenomena of the last 17+ years, and that those who want to grab control over economic life are going to be in need of a new excuse for their power-grabs pretty soon, unless the weather turns around.

