Global Warming Fanatics at it again.Sen. Whitehouse: “Those who deny CO2 emissions contribute to climate change are ‘one step short of insane’”

 Lost on Sen. Whitehouse is that skeptics argue over the sensitivity of the atmosphere to CO2 emissions and the effects of that sensitivity.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) said Tuesday those who deny carbon dioxide emissions contribute to climate change are “one step short of insane.”

The Rhode Island Democrat made the comments at an annual energy and environment event he hosts at the Capitol.

Whitehouse said Republicans avoid talking about climate change because he said they’re aware their party’s opinion doesn’t align with popular opinion.

Many Republicans deny that climate change is occurring. Others are skeptical of or reject the scientific consensus that human activity contributes to global warming.

Whitehouse, one of most outspoken advocates of addressing climate change in Congress, has often pushed the White House to take executive action to tackle emissions to circumvent partisan gridlock on the issue.
