Global warming fears pit neighbor against neighbor at Jersey shore

Neighbor to neighbor: Cave into federal coastal land grab or we won’t sell you cheese.
The New York Times reports:
Anchor Produce Market sells homemade mozzarella, its own fresh salsa and what many regulars swear is the best sweet corn on Long Beach Island.
“Federal taxpayers will be paying to protect these properties, but some homeowners want municipal money for lost ‘views?’ There is no sense of shame left in this country. “
But, a sign on the counter declares, it will not sell anything to the owners of 63 Long Beach Boulevard, 7 Coast Avenue, 12 Sea View Drive South or 34 other nearby oceanfront properties.
Those owners have refused to grant easements to allow the federal government to build a massive dune along a 50-mile stretch of the Jersey Shore. Without the protective ridge of sand, engineers predict it is only a matter of time before homes, neighborhoods, even entire communities are wiped out by rising seas — a reality brought into stark relief by the devastation from Hurricane Sandy.
So until they sign the easements, holdouts should buy their groceries elsewhere.
