Green party’s proposed mandatory ‘veggie day’ causes ‘sh*tstorm’ in German elections — Are you listening Michelle O.?

Politico reports:
The elections set to take place here in Germany Sunday are expected to turn largely on the country’s solid economy, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s handling of the European debt crisis and social issues like women’s role in the work force. But add to that plate one more thing: Germans don’t want the government telling them what to eat.
In what could be a cautionary tale for First Lady Michelle Obama’s efforts to tweak Americans’ diets, Germans look set to punish the Green Party for urging that public cafeterias go meat-free on a designated “Veggie Day” each week in order to help the environment and reduce cruelty to animals. Borrowing from colorfully from English, German newspaper Bild described public reaction to the idea as a “shitstorm.”
